Recent content by spyrospal

  1. S

    Tutorial How to Install Firmware via GadgetBridge

    Anyone with any idea?
  2. S

    Tutorial How to Install Firmware via GadgetBridge

    All the bets goes to gadget bridge but the problem is that I get element cannot be installed.
  3. S

    Tutorial How to Install Firmware via GadgetBridge

    Yes when I try to flash the .FW throw notify stucks on 99% and on the watch show update failed
  4. S

    Tutorial How to Install Firmware via GadgetBridge

    I don't care really, I just like to try. My gtr2e has been soft bricked many times ,after flashing others roms. I just like to overpass the problem of gadgetbridge , When opening the .FW file ,saying "element cannot be installed" If someone can give me an advise please. I really like to brick my...
  5. S

    Tutorial How to Install Firmware via GadgetBridge

    Hello guys.several days I am trying to flash global firmware of amazfit gtr2e to cn version. I manage to connect successfully the gtr2e to gadget bridge but The problem is that every file I am trying to flash to watch I get the error "element cannot be installed" I have use all the files...