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  1. R

    News Xiaomi Mi Band 4 Chip

    Here you can see that it is MCU by Dialog. Type of the MCU is DA14697.
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    News Mi Band 4 - Teardown, Disassembly, Crush test

    Here are some interesting videos: Mi Band 4 without NFC (XMSH07HM):
  3. R

    Tutorial How to check Hardware Variants (Mili_cinco / Mi Band 4 / Mi Smart Band 4) of the Mi Band 4

    v Thank you very much. The quality of the photo is satisfactory.
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    Tutorial How to check Hardware Variants (Mili_cinco / Mi Band 4 / Mi Smart Band 4) of the Mi Band 4

    Thank you for your valuable information. (y) Version V0.25.131.5 will be added when it is known what is.
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    FW Mod International Firmware for Mi Band 4

    The difference is Beta and extended language support.
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    Question mi band4 Multilingual support

    Yes, chinese version supports english and other languages with this Firmware International Firmware for Mi Band 4 | Xiaomi Mi Band 4 | GeekDoing
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    FW Mod Czech Firmware / | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    Jo jo, sydím se :(, ale bude, jen nevím kdy.
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    FW Mod International Firmware for Mi Band 4

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    FW Mod International Firmware for Mi Band 4

    If you are looking for Firmware for Mi Band 4, here you will not find. Firmware for Mi Band 4 is distributed in Mi Fit by OTA.
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    FW Mod International Firmware for Mi Band 4

    Same as @MagicalUnicorn said, before installing, please uninstall the old Mi fit app. You have uninstalled old version Mi Fit?
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    FW Mod Slovak Firmware |

    V GadgetBridge nastav, v nastavení pro Mi Band 3 jazyk na Polštinu, pak bude náramek slovensky. Jo Kalendář je místo About.
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    Question Band 3 stuck in connect to phone screen

    Delete the Bluetooth device pairing in the phone settings. If it doesn't help you: You run the factory reset in menu directly on the bracelet, just as Mi Fit says.
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    Discussion Miband 4 Non NFC Chinese Version Newest Firmware, resources and font

    Maybe yes, but some any modifications are currently waiting for the stable version of Firmware for Mi Band 4 to be available.
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    FW Mod Czech Firmware / | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    Tak, všechny modifikované verze Mi Fit na první stránce podporují u příchozího hovoru zobrazovat na náramku název kontaktu.
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    Discussion Xiaomi Mi Band 4 strap

    It's not sure. Officially sold separately, but apparently compatible.
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    Question mi band4 Multilingual support

    Por favor, escreva aqui em inglês. Obrigado. Mi Band 4 language support will be the same as Mi Band 3. Currently Mi Band 4 can only "speak" English and Chinese.
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    Tutorial English for MB4

    Thank you for the Guide. Are you tested directly with Mi Band 4?
  18. R

    FW Mod Czech Firmware / | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    Pokud aplikace Mi Fit dané verze obsahuje novejší FW, tak ho přepíše. V tomto případě na "anglický" originál. To jestli je modifikovaná Mi Fit či ne, v tomto případě nehraje roli.
  19. R

    FW Mod Czech Firmware / | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    Ahoj, já osobně pro instalaci používám Gadgetbridge 0.34.0 A nainstaloval bych toto FW_Mili_hankou_2_4_0_12_CZ.fw, následně RES_49_CZ_Calendar_new.res. Jako Mi Fit pak používat tuto Mi Fit 4.0.2 modifikovanou verzi.