Recent content by abhikironman

  1. abhikironman

    Discussion Mi Band 5 | Original Firmwares/Resources/Fonts

    Hello, can you please make a similar post for the amazfit bip and bip s smartwatches?
  2. abhikironman

    RES Clash of Clans | v93,v92

  3. abhikironman

    RES Clash of Clans | v93,v92

  4. abhikironman

    RES Spiderman | v93

    I present to you mi band 4 Custom resource pack based on none other than our friendly neighborhood SPIDERMAN Check out the preview and icons from the video attached below Download the resource pack from the link below. V93 (Fw-
  5. abhikironman

    RES Dragon Ball Z v93

    Please post it. People will have different variants to choose from.
  6. abhikironman

    RES Clash of Clans | v93,v92

    I present to you Mi band 4 Custom resource pack based on one of the most popular android games of all time. CLASH OF CLANS You can preview the custom resource and it's icons by viewing the video below. The resource pack will be updated soon to v93. You can...
  7. abhikironman

    RES Iron Man v93

    No issues ???.
  8. abhikironman

    RES Dragon Ball Z v93

    I proudly present to you DRAGON BALL Z based custom resource for the Mi band 4. You can check the preview of the resource by viewing the video below You can download the resource from the link below V93 (Fw- v1.0.9.48)
  9. abhikironman

    RES Thor v93

    I present to you mi band 4 Custom resource pack based on one of the most popular Marvel superhero- THOR You can preview the theme and it's icons by viewing the attached video You can download the resource file from the given links:-...
  10. abhikironman

    RES Iron Man v93

    You know what, this theme is just like my theme with a few changes and changed animations. I made my Ironman theme for the mi band 4 a month ago ???? Link to my YT Video-
  11. abhikironman

    India V92,V88,89

    Pls update it to v93
  12. abhikironman

    RES Neon Theme v93,v92,v89,v88

    Pls update to v93
  13. abhikironman

    Discussion Xiaomi Mi Band 4 Official Firmwares

    Hi pls add v1.0.9.42 and resource v92 link