Recent content by AdamL

  1. A

    Question Swimming with miband3 - randomly touching the screen problem

    Hope to do this once :) Want to take it to swimming too. For the idea - it should block all - touchscreen even the button. And ublock it after BT/NFC connection to phone (which is often in the locker). Maybe this could be sent to the Xiaomi as "wanted" as I have no idea how to mod the fw yet...
  2. A

    FW Mod Czech Firmware / | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    Ahoj. Díky za super práci! Mám pár dotazů (snad by stačilo nasměrování): 1) jak modifikovat obrazovky hodin? Chápu, že datum jsou stringy a zbytek bitmapa, takže se to řešilo fontem a resourcy, ale nějak jste tam dostali baterii a notifikace... 2) jakým způsobem si na Mi Band 3 udělat vlastní...