Recent content by aymenpeter

  1. aymenpeter

    Question mb6 firmware in mb5

    ofc not you cant do this
  2. aymenpeter

    Watchfaces Pewdiepie

  3. aymenpeter

    Watchfaces Pewdiepie

    heyyy can you make it for the mb5 ?
  4. aymenpeter

    RES Mixed Theme for mi band 5 v103

    is this the band 6 icons ?
  5. aymenpeter

    RES [Pangu][V102][0.4][UPDATED] Mi Band 6

    bro can you update resources v102 please ?
  6. aymenpeter

    APP Mod Modified Mi Fit 4.9.0 - All in One

    finally thank you so much sir i have been waiting for this ❤️
  7. aymenpeter

    Discussion Mi Band 5 | Original Firmwares/Resources/Fonts

    but when the mi fit 4.9.0 come today or tomorrow
  8. aymenpeter

    RES [Pangu][V102][0.4][UPDATED] Mi Band 6

    oh allright thank you for the clarification and btw thank you soo much i very like this resource
  9. aymenpeter

    RES [Pangu][V102][0.4][UPDATED] Mi Band 6

    yeah me too it didnt work for me
  10. aymenpeter

    RES [Pangu][V102][0.4][UPDATED] Mi Band 6

    yes its for mi band 5
  11. aymenpeter

    RES [Pangu][V102][0.4][UPDATED] Mi Band 6

    fantastic work i installed it on my mi band i very like it thank you so much for your hard work
  12. aymenpeter

    Watchfaces Torch Watchface | For Mi Band 4

    good work ?
  13. aymenpeter

    RES Stock Mi Band 4 UI | For Mi Band 5 | v87 ,v98 ,v102 & v103

    thank you sir i like this ui soo much can you make it for v98 please
  14. aymenpeter

    Watchfaces MIUI 12 BAND 5 Mars edition

    great work thank you sir