Recent content by Mibandgeek

  1. M

    Watchfaces Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi

    Download link not working
  2. M

    Watchfaces Crbn+ WatchFace

    Isnt working for the current Firmware for my miband 6 i cant Flash because after two percent it says Update failed i have installed the official App and the notify App.
  3. M

    RES Marvel Avengers Theme | For Mi Band 5 | v98, v102 & v103

    @Chargez could you please so kind and develop the Ressource for a MiBand 6?
  4. M

    RES Avengers V96,V93,V92,V89,V88,V83

    Need i a new er Version for I have flashed the fw from the one Plus Ressourcen thread.
  5. M

    RES OnePlus Band Beta theme for Mi Band 4

    I had also the Warning because i was on i have just say Update. And now all is good.
  6. M

    RES OnePlus Band Beta theme for Mi Band 4

    I have Update to the cool tutorial thanks lot great Ressources.?