Recent content by Pedroopan29

  1. Pedroopan29

    RES Mi Band 4 Theme 2.0 | v49

    I see, but I think the resources flash is more safer than the custom firmware. I guess I'll just settle for the resources only. Thanks by the way
  2. Pedroopan29

    RES Mi Band 4 Theme 2.0 | v49

    Im not getting any battery indicator. :(
  3. Pedroopan29

    RES Mi Band 4 Theme 2.0 | v49

    The theme is so clean and very simple. Elegant to see and no more gimmicks. I really like it. I hope you will change the others icons not the same as the original mi band 3 themes so we can really distinguish this from the original one. :) Besides,it's the best theme I've ever had on my mi band...