Recent content by Vedant14

  1. V

    RES Stock Android/Google Theme v98 / v102 / v103 [UPDATE]

    Quite distinctive and unique. Infact- divine!
  2. V

    Question Pin lock

    Mi band 5
  3. V

    Question Pin lock

    I have mi band with NFC
  4. V

    Question Pin lock

    ? Can you tell me the procedure?
  5. V

    Question Pin lock

    Hello there!Can anyone help me to know how to set a pin lock in mi band 5 to open it?
  6. V

    RES Amazfit band 5 UI | for Mi band 5

    It's quite impressive
  7. V

    RES Mb5 Shadow-Fight-2 UI for v98 v94 v87

    Can you make for v98?
  8. V

    RES Google Theme v87/v98

    Can you make for v98?
  9. V

    RES Amazfit band 5 UI | for Mi band 5

    I mean v98(v1.0.2.46)
  10. V

    RES Amazfit band 5 UI | for Mi band 5

    Can you make for v46?
  11. V

    RES Amazfit band 5 UI | for Mi band 5

    Bro thanks,you're theme has a unique and amazing style.
  12. V

    RES Mb5 Shadow-Fight-2 UI for v98 v94 v87

    Notify and fitness app is saying'Invaild firmware file' for V94 when I tried to install it on v1.0.2.24
  13. V

    RES Mb5 Shadow-Fight-2 UI for v98 v94 v87

    Bro your files are invalid.Please rectify them.