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  1. M

    RES Persian/Farsi Resources v83

    اینی که گفتید رو که میدونم دوست عزیز، گفتن فریمور جدید رو فارسی کردن، گفتم یه پست بذارن و فایل هارو اونجا قرار بدن که دوستان بتونن استفاده کنن، آموزش های خیلی خوبی هم روی اینترنت هست هم ویدیویی هم متنی. آموزش ویرگول فارسی کردن می بند ۴
  2. M

    RES Persian/Farsi Resources v83

    با تشکر از شما چرا داخل فروم پست جدید با لینک های دانلود رو نمیذارید؟
  3. M

    RES Persian/Farsi Resources v83

    خدا قوت دوست عزیز
  4. M

    RES Persian/Farsi Resources v83

    Thanks man for your amazing work, i tested all files and my mi babd works like a charm!
  5. M

    RES Persian/Farsi resources

  6. M

    RES Persian/Farsi resources

    Your instruction works for me , thank u a lot... I find some Arabic words when i sync my band with mi fit...
  7. M

    RES Persian/Farsi resources

    Thanks man, its a very good work, we wait for your new and amazing resources!
  8. M

    RES English UTF-8 Resources v96 MB4

    As i said , you will sell a open source information and work to people , who dont know about this telegram vip group which will be made... All for free!!!!!! What a horrible joke...
  9. M

    RES English UTF-8 Resources v96 MB4

    And sell it to people who dont know about this forum!
  10. M

    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    Why you change the persian translation to english again?
  11. M

    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    After flash this firmware my band didnt work and show the update screen...
  12. M

    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    The firmware didnt work for me (morteza1131) and he changed some of my translation to English again!!! Why? Idont know....
  13. M

    Question persian firmware

    And this link
  14. M

    FW Mod Persian custom firmware created in mb3editor project alpha

    Every think working good You need change the band language to arabic for right to left characters.
  15. M

    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    I download firmware but all character is ?? ??? ,What should i do??
  16. M

    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    Hi The site dont work correctly! I cant create modified firmware and download it, plus i translated all of persian words in translate section...
  17. M

    Tutorial How to modify Firmware file

    its very difficult !!!!!! i tried to translate but i have been found it very complex!!
  18. M

    Tutorial How to modify Firmware file

    How about persian language?? Can we edit firmware with this toturial?
  19. M

    Application hast, search konid dar google play miare

    Application hast, search konid dar google play miare