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  1. N

    Discussion Mi Band 5 | Original Firmwares/Resources/Fonts

    it's because of beta that it has problems, because the word beta if not, will be chosen as the stable version. Not to mention what to block while they can fix and then release a new version? must there be a reason bro?
  2. N

    Discussion Mi Band 5 | Original Firmwares/Resources/Fonts

    Someone please tell me: Why can I change the 1.22 language to my language (Vietnamese) but version 1.24 cannot, only English and Chinese (local version). What is the reason for xiaomi to do that ??? (same as before with 1.06 and 1.08, 1.13 and 1.16)
  3. N

    Discussion Mi Band 5 | Original Firmwares/Resources/Fonts

    Yes, you can use Hebrew by uploading version 1.32. Then install mifit mod and select the language you want. keep uploading version 2.20 and you will get Hebrew
  4. N

    Discussion Mi Band 5 | Original Firmwares/Resources/Fonts

    Version 2.13 is still on mobile but bro, not to mention the size of this version is also higher than the old version
  5. N

    Discussion Mi Band 5 | Original Firmwares/Resources/Fonts

    version 2.16 makes my CN miband show Chinese even though version 2.13 still displays the local language. Where is this from? please give me the answer, thanks
  6. N

    RES Greek Resources v87 MB5 (for CN and GL band)

    Can you do also Vietnamese, my band CN
  7. N

    RES Czech Resources v87 MB5

    Can you do also Vietnamese? Pl
  8. N

    RES Polish Resources v87 MB5

    Can you do also vietnamese??? Please ???
  9. N

    RES Lux Dark | v93/v96 (BETA)

    V96 pl
  10. N

    RES Minimal Theme | V93

    Thanks bro
  11. N

    RES Lux Dark | v93/v96 (BETA)

    Thanks bro
  12. N

    Red Mania | v89, v92

    V93. Thanks
  13. N

    Red Mania | v89, v92

    Thanks for sharing
  14. N

    Red Mania | v89, v92

    V92 pl