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  1. C

    FW Mod Firmwares | Mi Band 3 NFC | Spanish, Turkish, Thai...

    I just found out that when I updated the firmware with the app"notify & fitness" chances from 18.0.14 to1.6.0.10 why? This is the reason that not works for me
  2. C

    FW Mod Firmwares | Mi Band 3 NFC | Spanish, Turkish, Thai...

    Ok i understand, the problem is mifit app. It always actualize my band after my flash
  3. C

    FW Mod Firmwares | Mi Band 3 NFC | Spanish, Turkish, Thai...

    The result is the same, i dont understand
  4. C

    FW Mod Firmwares | Mi Band 3 NFC | Spanish, Turkish, Thai...

    I use gadgetbridge to flash, and after flash It actualize to chinese again with phone/app sincronization
  5. C

    FW Mod Firmwares | Mi Band 3 NFC | Spanish, Turkish, Thai...

    Yes i have firmware versión un chinese, then I put this version and then automatically return to Chinese. I never view the versión of geek
  6. C

    FW Mod Firmwares | Mi Band 3 NFC | Spanish, Turkish, Thai...

    It's a link to mega and then inside a folder one file per language, right?
  7. C

    FW Mod Firmwares | Mi Band 3 NFC | Spanish, Turkish, Thai...

    Hi, it does not work. At least the Spanish version, always updates the official one.