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  1. L

    FW Mod International Firmware for Mi Band 4

    Does anyone know how i can get arabic to work on it? my phone langauge is arabic, i installed the custom mi fit and firmware update, but the band is in english and still doesn't show arabic
  2. L

    Discussion Arabic MiBand3 with English Phone.

    I did and I supposedly followed the steps, but i don't know why its not working
  3. L

    Discussion Arabic MiBand3 with English Phone.

    So i tried what you said, but i still get ????? instead of arabic text on band. What did I do wrong?
  4. L

    Discussion Arabic MiBand3 with English Phone.

    Where can I get the English Custom Bold Font? also does it support Emoji? also another question , would it still be an issue if I used with Custom Mi Fit??
  5. L

    Discussion Arabic MiBand3 with English Phone.

    but i want it to show arabic with my phone in english and show both arabic and english notifications, can it do that? cause all i get is english ones and ???? for arabic
  6. L

    Discussion Arabic MiBand3 with English Phone.

    Hello, I'm new here and I wanted to know the most updated firmware to use to get Arabic & English on the mi band 3, whether the phone langauge is in English or Arabic, I tried searching but I found alot of modified firemware and not sure which one to use.