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  1. R

    APP Stable GadgetBridge 0.35.2

    Here is a newer version GadgetBridge 0.36.0 | Apps | GeekDoing
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    APP Stable GadgetBridge 0.35.2

    Yes, but getting a unique key is one-time, so you can do it on another phone that has a Root. You then enter the key in GaderBridge. The unique key will not change for your Mi Band 4 until you perform a hard reset on you Mi Band 4 and the Bluetooth MAC address changes. The unique key is obtained...
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    FW Mod Firmwares | Mi Band 3 NFC | Spanish, Turkish, Thai...

    Yes, french FW >> Mili_chongqing_FR_D.fw on the Post #1.
  4. R

    APP Stable GadgetBridge 0.35.2

    To connect and set up your Mi Band 4 with Gadgetbridge, you need paste in to Gadgetbridge a unique key for your Mi Band 4.
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    Question Mi Band 3 NFC to open doors?

    We need to know that something is not working properly !!! So that others don't have to try what has already been tried.
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    APP Stable GadgetBridge 0.36.0

    GadgetBridge 0.36.0 Aug 27, 2019 Gadgetbridge is an Android (4.4+) application which will allow you to use your Pebble, Mi Band, Amazfit Bit and HPlus device (and more) without the vendor's closed source application and without the need to create an account and transmit any of your data to the...
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    Question Mi Band 3 NFC to open doors?

    China identity information Generator Online Chinese Id Card Number (Resident Identity Card) and photo Generator Online But it doesn't work. Maybe I'm already banned by other attempts with fake China ID Card. :(
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    Tutorial How to check Hardware Variants (Mili_cinco / Mi Band 4 / Mi Smart Band 4) of the Mi Band 4

    Here are the answers: GadgetBridge 0.35.2 | Apps | GeekDoing
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    Tutorial How to Install Firmware via GadgetBridge

    We know exactly what the bracelet is "the band", so certainly someone will advise.
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    It works, thanks.
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    Firmware v2.4.0.20 translate to "Malaysian" generate Error: MB3Editor>>Firmware>>Edit>>Translate Firmware?>>Malaysian>>Create modifications Error. An error occurred while processing your request. Request ID: 80000597-0000-f200-b63f-84710c7967bb Development Mode Swapping to Development...
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    For me it was stopped after 5 minutes of use. :)
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    MB3Editor is now stopped (again). :ROFLMAO:
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    Tutorial How to check Hardware Variants (Mili_cinco / Mi Band 4 / Mi Smart Band 4) of the Mi Band 4

    What does it mean "non-public"? This is a beta version? Thank you for these files.
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    MB3Editor is still unavailable :cautious: Error 403 - This web app is stopped.
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    Discussion Global versus China

    You have a global version, it's okay. For example, the Global version for the "Russian" region has SKU "MGW4057RU".
  17. R

    FW Mod Czech Firmware / | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    Výhoda je v opravě chyb FW a nová funkce FW je časovač, případně další modifikace FW. Nevýhoda, zabere vám to čas a můžou se objevit i případné problémy s aplikací aktualizace FW. Pokud aktualizujete pouze Mi Fit, přehraje vám náramek zřejmě na nejnovější originální verzi (pokud nemáte "fake...
  18. R

    Question [SOLVED] Mi band 3 Stuck

    Remove the pairing in Bluetooth settings for your Mi Band 3 and pair your Mi Band 3 in GadgetBridge or Mi Fit, etc., then you need to set up the screen display.
  19. R

    Question Cant update from fw

    I can try to create Hebrew firmware v2.4.0.20 for Mili_hankou, but it will take some time.