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    FW Mod Slovak Firmware |

    Skúšal si v MiFit odparovat MiBand a potom znova sparovat?
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    FW Mod Slovak Firmware |

    Neskusal si nahodou Font s emotikonmi z N&F. to by mohol byt problem skus nainstalovat original font, treba rozbalit
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    @BRH501 for Chinese I look and I maybe implement to select images later. For now is solution to open mod FW in HEX editor, and edit image number at address 0x00060B3E for FW, In original FW is 00 in modded FW is AA == 170 it is number image. You can change to another image but only from...
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    Thanks, work in progress is calendar now
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    Question remove steps and calories count?! HOW?!

    Why stop step bar? , I dont how stop step bar only if replace bar with full white bar
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    If you select default language Polish is UTF-8 Bolt font, if select English is normal Fine font. For days for resources you can upload in site in Resources - Images - Add day images - select language - choose files (files is sort and name must be ID.png, where ID is number below image) Now...
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    Thanks for @majsi who create modifications and @MRMR who create images
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    This image was sellect because is similar with notification icon, I can try change in FW but later no priority now for me
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    1. Log in web app, 2. go to translations 3. select default language example Portuguese, 4. tap to Translate in line Brazilian Portuguese 5. translate string who want and tap save and continue same for next string
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    Question remove steps and calories count?! HOW?!

    alternative use mod FW with battery on main screen, but only for 24h format
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    Brazilian Portuguese added, maybe web will be offline for update later
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    Slovenia added, for now only translations from Polish(Bolt font)
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    FW Mod Czech Firmware / | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    MiFit 3.5.5 je k FW ti vždy aktualizuje na novší ak použiješ MiFit s novším FW. Myslene je že sa ti neaktualizuje MiFit a nie FW
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    MB3Editor by xpaulos2 Hi, I work on easy editor for Mi Band 3. Now release first alpha prototype for testing and finding bugs. Please control created firmware in HEX because At your own risk... We aren't responsible for bricked devices. Don't forget this is prototype for testing, can find...
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    FW Mod Czech Firmware / | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    To je signalizácia spánku (nočného režimu), aspoň mne to vždy ukazuje ked ležím, alebo ráno ked sa zobudím
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    FW Mod Czech Firmware / | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    Ale teraz som si všimol ze si písal Res pre PL-Módy tam ale potrebuješ aj FW ktorý obsahuje PlMod pretože obsahuje obrázky z inými veľkosťami tak aby správne zobrazovalo