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  1. tausiffhx83

    News Mi Band 4 Real Pictures (offical)

    But.not analogue
  2. tausiffhx83

    RES PUBG UI 2.1

    My birthday is in 2/2/2008
  3. tausiffhx83

    RES PUBG UI 2.1

    I am also 11 years old
  4. tausiffhx83

    RES XBOLD V49 (31/5/19)

    Recepced you r a good resources maker thanks touuuuu
  5. tausiffhx83

    Question Hey+ Band suddenly died, not working

    Good idea is buy a new hey band
  6. tausiffhx83


    This calendar is not good like revolution res calendar is better than your calendar
  7. tausiffhx83

    RES Revolution Resource 2.0 | v49

    Calendar have a problem . February month have not 31 days this is 28 days
  8. tausiffhx83

    RES Revolution Resource 2.0 | v49

    Woow!!!!!! Awesome
  9. tausiffhx83

    RES 8BITWONDER Watchface (Updated to v49)

    When you will be upload the resources
  10. tausiffhx83

    RES 8BITWONDER Watchface (Updated to v49)

    Are you making new resources???fingerguns
  11. tausiffhx83

    RES TOPSPEED Watchface (Kind of analogue) (v49)

    Irfan are you making resources what I sayed with pictures
  12. tausiffhx83

    Question How to modify resources file for mi band 3 on Android

    Please give me tutorial in a comment below .I didn't know how to make resources for mi band 3.please help me!!
  13. tausiffhx83

    RES MBUI Global 20 - Ultimate&Youth version

    Pp Please update the resources with new kind of watchface heart rate cal step please
  14. tausiffhx83

    RES V49 | Pokémon Resource

    This is not same as photo
  15. tausiffhx83

    RES V49 | Pokémon Resource

    Thanks for uploading!!!
  16. tausiffhx83

    RES TOPSPEED Watchface (Kind of analogue) (v49)

    Iam very sorryyyy???????????????????????????????