Hi! Mi Fit(iOS) apdate Mi band 3 to again Chinese ((((
Can I flash firmware without android? How can I do it if I have only iOS?
Can I flash mi band 3 to Ukrainian?
Please help me (((
Hi! Mi Fit(iOS) apdate Mi band 3 to again Chinese ((((
Can I flash firmware without android? How can I do it if I have only iOS?
Can I flash mi band 3 to Ukrainian?
Please help me (((
Turkish firmware is good work but in weather information still ‘cloudy’ ‘shower’ ‘sunny’ vs , not turkish language ‘bulutlu’ ‘güneşli’ ‘yağmurlu’, im waiting thanks
The Slovenian language has incorrect translations of weather informations and does not display some letters - "???" is not resolved. English language will be better like in "More". I use Modified Mi Fit 3.5.4 or and English Firmware Fine Font or Bold Font. Can you disable Slovenian translation and show in English?
@MagicalUnicorn Hi friend,When the bracelet first comes I should use the stable mi fit program before loading this fw or can i use modified mi fit first open
The Slovenian language has incorrect translations of weather informations and does not display some letters - "???" is not resolved. English language will be better like in "More". I use Modified Mi Fit 3.5.4 or and English Firmware Fine Font or Bold Font. Can you disable Slovenian translation and show in English?
You must be patient, wait some minutes/hours for have weather informations after flash the Firmware. Also use the Firmware English Bold Font if you want have "special" characters like "ž".
@MagicalUnicorn Hi friend,When the bracelet first comes I should use the stable mi fit program before loading this fw or can i use modified mi fit first open
You must be patient, wait some minutes/hours for have weather informations after flash the Firmware. Also use the Firmware English Bold Font if you want have "special" characters like "ž".