GadgetBridge 0.71.2, (0.71.1 / 0.71.0)
Oct 15, 2022
Gadgetbridge is an Android (5.0+) application which will allow you to use your Pebble, Mi Band, Amazfit Bit and HPlus device (and more) without the vendor's closed source application and without the need to create an account and transmit any of your data to the vendor's servers.
Version Name: 0.71.2, (0.71.1 / 0.71.0)Oct 15, 2022
Gadgetbridge is an Android (5.0+) application which will allow you to use your Pebble, Mi Band, Amazfit Bit and HPlus device (and more) without the vendor's closed source application and without the need to create an account and transmit any of your data to the vendor's servers.
Version Code: 218, (217 / 216)
Published on: Oct 15, 2022, (not built date / not built date)
What's new
- Zepp OS: Display HR zones and Training Effect in Activity Details.
- Remove shortcut feature due to non-free dependencies (#2918).
- Try to exclude non-free stuff from shortcuts library (#2918)..
- SuperCars: fix periodicDataSender, add tricks.
- Zepp OS: Fix crash when user attempts to disable Settings display item.
- Fix crash when opening Gadgetbridge from the notification.
- Remove KitKat support, Gadgetbridge now requires Android 5.0.
- Initial support for Amazfit GTR 3.
- Initial support for SuperCars (Shell Racing Cars).
- Huami: Add preference to overwrite band settings on connection.
- Huami: Fix crash when selecting automatic Always On Display.
- Huami: Set OpenTracks track category and icon.
- Huami: Implement proper find device.
- Huami: Change default find band vibration pattern.
- Flipper Zero: added duration to Intent API.
- Flipper Zero: fixed crash due to unregistered boradcast receiver.
- Flipper Zero: fetch firmware version from flipper.
- Fossil Hybrid HR: Correctly initialize watchface after reset or crash.
- Fossil Hybrid HR: Set OpenTracks track category and icon to workout type selected on watch.
- Fossil Hybrid HR: Allow flick_away as custom event and add move_hands event.
- InfiniTime: Add weather support.
- Amazfit Neo: Fix world clock.
- Amazfit Neo: Fix long caller name display.
- Amazfit Neo: Remove activity tracks (unsupported).
- Amazfit GTS 3: Fix battery drain due to unanswered weather requests.
- Mi Band 7: Fix Weather.
- Mi Band 6: Add support for workout activity types.
- Mi Band 6: Enable adding workout activity types to the "more" section.
- Amazfit GTR: Enable button actions.
- Zepp OS: Implement activity, sleep and workout fetching.
- Zepp OS: Improve firmware upgrades.
- Bangle.js: Add PATCH HTTP request type, and fix for VolleyError UnsupportedOperationException when supplying custom headers..
- Bangle.js: Add ability to start services on the Android device via intents..
- Bangle.js: Flags and multiple categories can now be specified for intents initiated on the watch..
- Bangle.js: Add ability to wake and unlock the Android device via a special intent.
- Allow 3rd party apps to set device settings.
- Re-implement C code in Java and remove Android NDK dependency entirely.
- Fix crashes on older Android versions when using some devices.
- Add support for REM sleep.
- App shortcuts support (long press on the launcher icon for directly connecting a device).
Additional Information
★ Website : Gadgetbridge for android.★ Official Blog : Freeyourgadget blog.
★ Wiki : GadgetBridge Wiki - Home
● MB3 Wiki : Mi Band 3
● MB4 Wiki : Mi Band 4
● MB5 Wiki : Mi Band 5
● AB5 Wiki : Amazfit Band 5
(To connect and set up your Mi Band 4/5, Amazfit Band 5 with Gadgetbridge, you need paste in to Gadgetbridge a unique key for your Mi Band 4/5, Amazfit Band 5.)
★ Codeberg Repository : Freeyourgadget/Gadgetbridge.★ Official Changelog : Freeyourgadget/Gadgetbridge.
( illustrative example )
( illustrative example )

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