Download the apk mi wear from the link download above
Install the mi wear and connect the mi watch color device
Copy the watchfaces in the local directory of your sdcard
Then select the option SDCARD install can see on the screenshot on the 2nd step
Input the location of where you placed the "watchfaces".face file and tap the button chinese.
Wait until it finish.
(Picture not mine)
Inside the download link there is a casio watchfaces maked by this user
蛋蛋大师兄 for the image and resource Casio watchfaces
Install the mi wear and connect the mi watch color device
Copy the watchfaces in the local directory of your sdcard
Then select the option SDCARD install can see on the screenshot on the 2nd step
Input the location of where you placed the "watchfaces".face file and tap the button chinese.
Wait until it finish.
(Picture not mine)
Inside the download link there is a casio watchfaces maked by this user

蛋蛋大师兄 for the image and resource Casio watchfaces

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