I know it's been a while, but here's another NEW UPDATE!!! In this update, I included a whole bunch of new translation changes. I did the English translation myself. However, the French, Italian and Spanish translation is taken from @MagicalUnicorn 's York Resource. Some of the changes are-
And yes, this one is v96! YAY!
To download it, go back to the Original Link
Hey, how's it going? I'm currently working on a resource pack. It's probably going to be the best resource pack I've ever made for mi band 4. So, I decided why not publish the beta version and get some feedback from you guys. So, here we go...
So, what are some of the things you can suggest about? -New Icons -Text/Translations -Animations -Report bad quality images -Watchfaces (Default ones) -Minor edits (Like, buttons, dots, etc)
A lot of the animations were taken from the York resource pack. So, know that from before...