V1.0. Have not been posted into geekdoing
I give you features
And changelog for this version here:
-Hello people, After a long time without publish any program, I let you my new program:
the name is mi fitness becaouse card system remember me to mi fitness
Features, As name say, It is a fitness program.
well this are features:
-See steps (click on icon or rectangle to see more detail info)
-See calories (click on icon or rectangle to see more detail info)
-See Stand Up time (click on icon or rectangle to see more detail info)
-See distance (click on icon or rectangle to see more detail info)
-See fatburn (click on icon or rectangle to see more detail info)
-Evaluation system (created by me, click on icon or rectangle to see more detail info)
-Click on the man that do sport to access official fitness app
-Evaluation system:
It a number, I personally reccomend have 100 points per day
-Points distribution:
33.33... points distribute in this sections:
-calories (target 2000)
-steps (target 8000)
-stand up (targe 8(h))
100 points means have all sections achieved
-What new?
Errors fixed:
now you can move trought the without any perturbation
In past,I put distance target as 80000, now is 8000
Calorie target have been set to 500( previous version was 2000)
Whats new:
Added a bar that say your aproximately status of this things( stand, step, calories)
Added workout interface, so you can enter workout program via this app
When you enter calorie program click on the weidght to see how many burgers, chips and nuggets you have consume
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