Neither me, neither geekdoing not assume responsibility for any damage to your device.
- Copy the. Bin firmware package just downloaded to the mobile phone root directory, root directory!!! Not root directory may not be updated!
- Install and open the Xiaomi wearable app. After synchronization is completed, slide into advanced settings - SD card local update - manual input,
- Input the path/location of where you inserted the firmware, for an example:sdcard/Color_1.x.xxx_full.bin (x.xxx it's the version of the fw, so you need to change it with the latest avaible like 1.7.320.)
- After clicking will appears update version 999.999 skip it and tap install the package, wait patiently for the watch to update.
- After the firmware is refreshed, the official version of Xiaomi wearable app can be normally used.
Credits/Thanks to:
- HongLilv my chinese bro for helped me and write the tutorial install
- Kentlvv for the fw package
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