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    FW Mod Czech Firmware / | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    Changelog (08.10.2019 14:00):
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    FW Stable Firmware | Mi Band 3 NFC (Mili_chongqing)

    Official Stable Firmware for Mi Band 3 with NFC (Mili_chongqing) exclamation-triangle Use it with Resources v49 only! exclamation-triangle What's new Installation Follow the guide or FAQ on our forum! Or use original Mi Fit 4.0.9 (only iOS version) that will install it. Download...
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    FW Stable Firmware | Mi Band 3 (Mili_wuhan)

    Official Stable Firmware for Mi Band 3 (Mili_wuhan) exclamation-triangle Use it with Resources v49 only! exclamation-triangle What's new Installation Follow the guide or FAQ on our forum! Or use original Mi Fit 4.0.9 (only iOS version) that will install it. Download...
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    FW Stable Firmware | Mi Band 3 (Mili_hankou)

    Official Stable Firmware for Mi Band 3 (Mili_hankou) exclamation-triangle Use it with Resources v49 only! exclamation-triangle What's new Installation Follow the guide or FAQ on our forum! Or use original Mi Fit 4.0.9 (only iOS version) that will install it. Download...
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    FW Mod Slovak Firmware |

    Tak od jisté verze Firmware je to volba v menu na náramku.
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    Discussion Xiaomi Mi Band 4 Official Firmwares

    Modified Resources are used for translation: Portuguese of brazil Resources v62 MB4 | Xiaomi Mi Band 4 | GeekDoing
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    Question screen suddenly off

    It is a function: screen off. Activated by touching your finger across the screen. If the screen is covered with water, the screen-off function also activates, water that simulates the touch of an entire finger.
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    Tutorial How to check Hardware Variants (Mili_cinco / Mi Band 4 / Mi Smart Band 4) of the Mi Band 4

    Don't mind another source of information, even if they are duplicates, but better positioned as a separate thread. Offers firmware download from mirrors. I recommend using a new thread. ;)
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    APP Stable GadgetBridge 0.36.2

    GadgetBridge 0.36.2 Sep 28, 2019 Gadgetbridge is an Android (4.4+) application which will allow you to use your Pebble, Mi Band, Amazfit Bit and HPlus device (and more) without the vendor's closed source application and without the need to create an account and transmit any of your data to the...
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    FW Stable Firmware (Mili_hankou)

    Here Resources v49 | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC | Xiaomi Mi Band 3 | GeekDoing
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    FW Mod Czech Firmware / | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    Pokud použiješ Firmware a Resources v provedení FAKE verze z první stránky, bude náramek trvale česky ale ve verzi Pokud chceš verzi nech to jak to je ale náramek bude anglicky / čínsky. Verze zatím není pro přeložení k dispozici. Pokud ti náramek píše "Connect to app...
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    News Verify your Mi Band 4 ( Mi Band 3 )

    Here you can verify your Mi Band 4 ( Mi Band 3 ) with the serial number: Verify your Xiaomi Product Source: [FaQ] Відповіді на часті питання по Mi Smart Band 4 - Mi Band - Mi Community - Xiaomi
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    FW Mod Czech Firmware / | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    Tak aktuální odkazy a verze jsou samozřejmě vždy na první stránce.
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    FW Mod Czech Firmware / | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    Dáváš tam tu Fake verzi? Firmware, Resources a pro jistotu i nahraj Font.
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    FW Mod Czech Firmware / | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    Zatím používej původní českou verzi, než bude k dispozici nová česká verze.
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    FW Mod Czech Firmware / | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    Mrtvé to není :) Tohle řeší Fake verze, máš nainstalovanou tuto verzi? Ta by se neměla samovolně aktualizovat a než bude nová česká verze, měl bys používat tuto. Pokud vyjde nová verze, bude upravena počeštěná a tak, ale já k dispozici zatím novou verzi nemám. Prí je nová verze v Mi Fit...