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  1. R

    Question Mi Band 3 NFC to open doors?

    The xShadow menu is only visible if the system language of the phone is English / Spanish.
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    Question Mi Band 3 NFC to open doors?

    Https is signed with a certificate, so it cannot.
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    FW Mod English Firmware / (Fine Font) | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    Up or downgrade version of a firmware is posible. You cannot downgrade Firmware to v2.2.0.14 and below (from this version Firmware is used newer version of bootloader and the bootloader version cannot downgrade).
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    FW Mod English Firmware / (Fine Font) | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    Yes, this is the right choice of files for your selection. The date will be hard set to [day (dot) month] format. Firmware version is original v2.4.0.32 and the correct RES file. (y)
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    FW Mod English Firmware / (Fine Font) | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    Hi, only one *.fw file plus one *.res file, you flashes into the bracelet in one moment. The other files in the *.zip file are different firmware variants: ie the date format display and also the "fake version V9.9.9.99" variant.
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    APP Stable GadgetBridge 0.38.0

    GadgetBridge 0.38.0 Nov 1, 2019 Gadgetbridge is an Android (4.4+) application which will allow you to use your Pebble, Mi Band, Amazfit Bit and HPlus device (and more) without the vendor's closed source application and without the need to create an account and transmit any of your data to the...
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    APP Mod Modified Mi Fit 4.0.11 - Mi Band 3 & 4

    Very good work and quick repair. (y)
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    FW Mod Czech Firmware / | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    MagicalUnicorn: All Modified Mi Fit are reuploaded. Application crash is now fixed :)
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    FW Mod Czech Firmware / | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    Tak na mnoha telefonech dochází k pádu modifikované aplikace Mi Fit V4.0.11 po spuštění a je jedno od jakého autora, respektive kým je Mi Fit modifikován. Originální Mi Fit v4.0.11 nepadá. Modifikovaný Mi Fit v4.0.11 padá jak od @Michellincz a také od @MagicalUnicorn
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    FW Mod English Firmware / (Fine Font) | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    Yes that's true, it's Res v49, but used only modified in this thread. Version "FW v2.4.0.32 - Mod Version 0.0" it contains a date format display fixation / rotation error.
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    FW Mod English Firmware / (Fine Font) | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    It's my plan to create another Firmware for Mi Band 3, but I don't have time, so I don't know when to post.
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    RES Czech Resources Official supported MB4

    Reklamovat, pokud nelze náramek najít přes bluetooth.
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    Question MI Band 3 vibrate on disconnection

    Yes, it exists in an older version of FW, but it is not on the forum. Look for
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    FW Stable Firmware

    Why do you flash old Firmware?
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    RES Czech Resources Official supported MB4

    "...čírkou..." raději ne :D
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    RES Czech Resources Official supported MB4

    Lepší dvě Ameriky, než žádná ;) Například pro Mi Band 3 se mě doposud nepodařilo najít funkční Python skript. :cautious: Nějaké znaky, vzhledem k možnosti vypisování stavu aktualizace, budou ve Firmware vždycky.
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    RES Czech Resources Official supported MB4

    Mi Band 4 - How to modify Font file Je tam i již hotový font s podporou speciálních znaků.
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    RES Slovak Resources v96 MB4

    Xiaomi Mi Band 4 Official Firmwares
  19. R

    APP Stable GadgetBridge 0.37.1

    GadgetBridge 0.37.1 Oct 17, 2019 Gadgetbridge is an Android (4.4+) application which will allow you to use your Pebble, Mi Band, Amazfit Bit and HPlus device (and more) without the vendor's closed source application and without the need to create an account and transmit any of your data to the...