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  1. MrVR

    RES OnePlus Band Beta theme for Mi Band 4

    Read the steps below ???
  2. MrVR

    Question Mi Band 6 Watchfaces

    Here it is download it and use it. It's also available for many more languages and is present on the amazfaces app and is made by ilidio martins Download
  3. MrVR

    Question Mi Band 6 Watchfaces

    You are talking about mi band 6 watchface for mi band 4 right?
  4. MrVR

    Question Custom fonts Amazfit Band 5

    I don't think it's made yet. You have to wait till someone makes it for amazfit band 5
  5. MrVR

    RES Amazfit band 5 UI | for Mi band 5

    Bro I can't specify but I think it have English and Chinese as I used the stable version of which was given by magical unicorn in her mi band 5 official firmware post
  6. MrVR

    RES OnePlus Band Beta theme for Mi Band 4

    Bro we are not always working on the themes we have works to do in our lives also . And talking about the heart rate we are recreating each and every frame and before posting any thing like this first see the inactive alerts section for the improvement and bugs regarding the theme. And we'll...
  7. MrVR

    Question Mi Band 5 NFC - lost other languages

    Bro so all doors are closed until anyone makes a new Czech firmware till the I think you have to use English language only.
  8. MrVR

    RES OnePlus Band Beta theme for Mi Band 4

    As a proof that it works as I have shown the firmware version at last too
  9. MrVR

    RES OnePlus Band Beta theme for Mi Band 4

    So bro this is the Video
  10. MrVR

    RES OnePlus Band Beta theme for Mi Band 4

    Just delete the official app and then download the modified one and then enter you mail , password then your band will be connected only
  11. MrVR

    Question Mi Band 5 NFC - lost other languages

    Tell me if it worked.
  12. MrVR

    RES OnePlus Band Beta theme for Mi Band 4

    I'll send you the video too
  13. MrVR

    RES OnePlus Band Beta theme for Mi Band 4

    Sorry ? this work fine on my band but it doesn't on yours. I think it would be better to use v97. Just do the following steps: 1) delete the official mi fit and download the Modified one by magical unicorn. 2) Using notify and fitness app flash this firmware V1.0.9.68. after this a message will...
  14. MrVR

    RES OnePlus Band Beta theme for Mi Band 4

    So bro the results are interesting as it's successfully working on my band as a proof I made a video too but unfortunately I am over with my data pack for today but by tomorrow I can send you the video.
  15. MrVR

    RES OnePlus Band Beta theme for Mi Band 4

    Ok I am trying it right now.
  16. MrVR

    RES OnePlus Band Beta theme for Mi Band 4

    Bro I think you have to wait as there are many user which didn't have this kind of problem but i will try to use it by degrading my band and if it doesn't work with me then we'll try to see where is the problem. Sorry for inconveniences
  17. MrVR

    Question Mi Band 5 NFC - lost other languages

    Then try flashing the Czech firmware