Search results

  1. C

    Question Problem in tracking steps and other activities in Mi Band 4

    if it is still in warranty then try to contact seller
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    Question Problem in tracking steps and other activities in Mi Band 4

    try resetting the mi band or try using notify and fitness app
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    Question Mi band 4 missing menu!

    go to mi band settings in notify and fitness app and enable the menus.
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    RES Galaxy Watch 3 (One UI 2.5) Beta theme for Mi band 4 v93 to v97

    What is difference between water lock mode and normal mi band 4 lock?
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    Question How to not brick mi band 4?

    If i dont edit json file and number of pixels in image doesnt change, my mi band will not brick?
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    Question How to not brick mi band 4?

    My question is What can cause mi band 4 to brick. I know that i am not supposed to edit header.json file in the recourses. what else will cause brick?
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    Question How to not brick mi band 4?

    Hello I want to make recourses for the mi band 4 but incorrect recourses can brick the mi band. can anyone tell me what is safe and what will brick the mi band and if there is some kind of mi band simulator which can preview the recourses how it will look and the mi band after flashing and can...
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    Question Animated watchface using up a lot of battery

    The problem seems to have been fixed. I just unpaired and repaired the mi band and it is working fine. I will update you later on how many days the battery lasts.
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    RES Remix Resource | V49

    he said that its a mix of some mi band 3 resourses he found on this website in his thread.
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    RES Galaxy Watch 3 (One UI 2.5) Beta theme for Mi band 4 v93 to v97

    can you also make it show the time? because it uses up the only custom watchface slot and doesnt show time also.
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    Watchfaces Among us watchface

    thanks. What do you think i should make a watchface about next?
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    Question Animated watchface using up a lot of battery

    ok. but is there a way to reduce the power used up by the watchface? my watchface only has 2 frames so it shouldn't use up so much battery. i have used animated watchfaces before that have many frames but they also didnt use so much battery.
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    Tutorial Mi Band Toolbox 3.60 Alpha

    Hello is there a simulator like this for the mi band 4?
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    Question Animated watchface using up a lot of battery

    Hello I had made a among hs watchface which i was using and it is using alot of battery. I charged my mi band 4 to 100% yesterday around 10 am and now the battery is at 60%. why is this happening and is there a way to fix it? my battery normally lasts around 14 days.
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    Watchfaces Among us watchface

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    Watchfaces Among us watchface

    What should I make a watchface about now? Anyone who has suggestions for me can reply to this message. I will then create a poll of 3 or 4 suggestions I liked and will make the watchface on on the one which gets the most votes.