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  1. recepzed

    RES XBOLD Resource (updated V3.1)

    Hello dear friends. I designed new watch face and made some change on resource. Hope you will like this .. ;) New designed extra Bold Watch Face 3 New "More Menu" icon New "Theme menu" İcon New modified "Heart Rate Animation" (Heart Colored) New modified "long Press Animation" (Added meteor...
  2. recepzed

    Question Mi band 3 Connection Alert!

    When i using mi band 2 it was vibrating when the connection broke.. can we add this spec for mi 3 ? is it possible ?
  3. recepzed

    Tutorial How to modify Firmware file

    Ok,i will try it thx?
  4. recepzed

    Tutorial How to modify Firmware file

    I modified a new firmware via orginal fw ... after the loading new FW to my mi band 3 and its run. But i connect it to mi fit app and than it is auto reloaded orjinal last firmware ! How do I prevent it ?:unsure:
  5. recepzed

    RES SoftMi Resources, New sytle Font .

    "Find a way or get out of the way" (y) It is Turkish proverb ..:)
  6. recepzed

    RES SoftMi Resources, New sytle Font .

    It is not a hidden subject, you can learn it on this page How to modify Resources file | Xiaomi Mi Band 3 | GeekDoing .... search out and laugh ;)
  7. recepzed

    RES SoftMi Resources, New sytle Font .

    :) Thank you for your feedback... This was my first try, maybe I can do better.;)
  8. recepzed

    RES SoftMi Resources, New sytle Font .

    Of course you can use ... But do not forget to show the source link ?...
  9. recepzed

    RES SoftMi Resources, New sytle Font .

    Hi everyone, I create new style number Font . I hope you like this ;) Have Fun ... download soft_mi_v01.res
  10. recepzed

    RES 8 Bit Wonder WatchFace (v46)

    i mean add new innovations ?
  11. recepzed

    RES 8 Bit Wonder WatchFace (v46)

    Nice job .. pls upgrade it