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After talk with the concerned guy (wyusufw) and two administrators of MIUITurkiye, there is always threads with work steal.
Because wyusufw don't want recognize that he fully appropriate work from other, I post publicly here thread links, download links, and proof.
Because wyusufw don't want recognize that he fully appropriate work from other, I post publicly here thread links, download links, and proof.
Mi Band 4/5 Custom Font | Emoticons HD
GeekDoing links: Thread | Download.MIUITurkiye links: Thread | Download | Direct download.
wyusufw said font is fully from him. I compared the font from "him" with the one that I shared on GeekDoing, fonts are exactly same:
- There is unicorn icon that I added in little font, and all emoticons from ilgruppotester.
- There is all fixes I did, emoticons from ilgruppotester and letters from @Dupa in big font.
In this MIUITurkiye thread, there is also Mi Band 5 Firmwares directly take from GeekDoing without any credit. In wait for wyusufw send proof of how he get them by his own way...
There is also this thread without any credit, and preview pictures from ilgruppotester (pictures was shared in Telegram by a member of ilgruppotester before the Custom Font be released):
York Resources | Mi Band 4 & Mi Band 5 Watchfaces
1. York Resources | Mi Band 4GeekDoing links: Thread | Download.
MIUITurkiye links: Thread | Download | Direct download.
wyusufw said the Custom Resources is fully from him, easy to resize pictures... I compared the one from "him" with the one from me, Resources are exactly same:
- There is translations that I modified.
- There is pictures that I reworked from Mi Band 4 Resources.
By the way, say it's easy to resize pictures is fully wrong, I reworked lot of pictures from Official York Resources, due to 8 bits limitation with Mi Band 4.
In more, you can compare the different versions of my York Resources and see things that I improved in different versions. To download them, it's here: Mega.
2. Mi Band 5 Watchfaces
In this MIUITurkiye thread, there is also Mi Band 5 Watchfaces (by the way "made" by wyusufw):
MIUITurkiye links: Download | Direct download.
The first is and last Watchfaces are from @Kosmik, with for only modifications weekdays translated in Greek.
First Watchface: «Mi band 5 Stock» by .Kosmik.
Last Watchface: «Mi band 5 Analog» by .Kosmik.
In the first Watchface, there is also ONE modification in .json file, X and Y for Weekdays are modified
About second Watchface, I compared with the one from @Kosmik but they're different, if you find from who it's say me
MBUI Custom Resources | Mi Band 4
GeekDoing links: Thread | Download.MIUITurkiye links: Thread | Download | Direct download.
I compared the one from "him" with the one from @simvlz, Resources are exactly same.
Preview picture in MIUITurkiye thread is also same as the one in GeekDoing thread...
Modified Mi Fit/Zepp
MIUITurkiye links: Thread | Download 1 | Download 2.In this thread there is no problem with credits (added after a talk with admin, like for many other threads...), but files are downloaded from my Mega, then renamed and reuploaded. I asked for download links in thread be directly mine (original links), but nothing was did. If I ask for download links in thread be the ones from me, it's to avoid people share files using my name with shit added in the application, like publicity, virus, donation ask or other.
In threads that I reported then was modified with credit added, thread title was also modified to add directly his name in it. By this way he continue to appropriate in part the work from other.Threads list:
- MIUITurkiye.
- MIUITurkiye.
- MIUITurkiye.
- MIUITurkiye.
- MIUITurkiye.
@wyusuf58w, in hope you will finish by recognize work you share isn't from you...
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