Hi to all I had bought some days before a miband 6 I have a problem and I don't know if it is faulty, or is a firmware bug.
When I measure heart rate and I am sitting it measures correctly, I compare it with a oxymeter.
When I am on exercise ( walking ) heart rate goes very high 160 -170-180 -190 this is imposible, my max heart rate is 152.
So the same moment I took with me the oxymeter and I compare with the band the same time, the real herart rate was 120 instead of 170.
what you think, miband 6 might be faulty or perhaps a firmware bug, is there anyone with miband 6 to help me if he has the same problem?
So all the data as calories burnt, is incorect due to wrong pulse measurement
Is there anyone with the same problem?
Thanks in advance.
When I measure heart rate and I am sitting it measures correctly, I compare it with a oxymeter.
When I am on exercise ( walking ) heart rate goes very high 160 -170-180 -190 this is imposible, my max heart rate is 152.
So the same moment I took with me the oxymeter and I compare with the band the same time, the real herart rate was 120 instead of 170.
what you think, miband 6 might be faulty or perhaps a firmware bug, is there anyone with miband 6 to help me if he has the same problem?
So all the data as calories burnt, is incorect due to wrong pulse measurement
Is there anyone with the same problem?
Thanks in advance.