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  1. tomini

    RES Czech Resources Official supported MB4

    Prosím, updatuj na verzi :-( Tools & MiBand mi žere baterku.
  2. tomini

    RES Czech Resources Official supported MB4

    Funguje to s Vybíjí se mi hrozně hodinky, tak chci zkusit tohle a ne Tools & Mi Band. Jsem zoufalý z těch % :-(
  3. tomini

    Question My mi band 4 is dying!

    I charged it, but I fell asleep so whole night the MiBand was in the wall socket. I forgot to disable Bluetooth... It had 100% at 6:00, pulled it out and now it's 7:35 with 98%. Duh...
  4. tomini

    Watchfaces (Czech/Český) FALLOUT Pip-Boy Watchface for MB4

    Děkuji za podporu v této tvorbě! Vytvořím pár odlišných verzí (např. Čt -> Ct, pak třeba "Č" a "t" bude každý jinačí velikostí, protože "Č" kvůli háčku zbytečně zmenšuje "t". Pak se přesunu na jiná témata s tím samým účelem. Když tak můžete hodit tipy na jaké se mám zaměřit ve volném čase :-)...
  5. tomini

    Question My mi band 4 is dying!

    15% :-( Good bye :D
  6. tomini

    Question My mi band 4 is dying!

    Thank you so much :-) Hopefully it will change. I turned of auto-turnOFF for my phone, that could cause the problem too, 'cuz my phone is off and the band needs to memorize all the data, now it can sync simultaniously to my phone in night. Is this resource up to date for my FW with...
  7. tomini

    Question My mi band 4 is dying!

    That's why I mentioned that I didnt ever charged it. It came in Friday with 48% battery, now it has 17% :-/ :D So wait until its dead or when its under 10% after that charge it. Or is there any other calibration process? Thanks
  8. tomini

    Question My mi band 4 is dying!

    Thanks a lot. I use Tools & Mi Band (getting rid of "ěščřžýáíéů" to non diacritic ones) and MiFit in the same time. Could that be a problem? It looks like we do same things. So...any solution up in the mind? :-( Could charging it make a difference after that?
  9. tomini

    Question My mi band 4 is dying!

    Please share your experience after it :-) I have some problems too...using MagicalUnicorn's "Modified Mi Fit 4.0.6"...
  10. tomini

    Watchfaces (Czech/Český) FALLOUT Pip-Boy Watchface for MB4

    CZECH/ČESKY: Udělal jsem pouze český mód pro dny (Po, Út, St, Čt, Pá, So, Ne) namísto anglických dní. Zbytek jsem využil od uživatele "Mascone" (, který drží práva na zbytek :) Aktuální pro 21.07.2019 a fungující s nejnovějším FW (, používán custom MiFit od...
  11. tomini

    Question Battery drain ISSUE?! :-(

    EDIT! I figured it out :D It was 57kB higher than it is possible. MB4 is able to get only 320kB as said somewhere on forum. I fixed it with using PaletteImageMode compiling and compressing the .PNG. But still MAYBE a battery drain :cautious::confused::mad: Please contribute any tips for the...
  12. tomini

    Tutorial Change Mi Band 4 Theme!

    I figured it out :D It was 57kB higher than it is possible. MB4 is able to get only 320kB as said somewhere on forum. I fixed it with using PaletteImageMode compiling and compressing the .PNG. But still MAYBE a battery drain:cautious::confused::mad: Please contribute any tips <3 Thanks
  13. tomini

    Question Battery drain ISSUE?! :-(

    BATTERY DRAIN ISSUE? My Mi Band 4 (GLOBAL version) came in Friday with battery at 48% from Friday I changed a lot my Watchface themes (like 20x times) and I had a .GIF playing on the main screen when it was ON, brightness at half and heart tracking only for sleep. Today at 13:08 I have 33%...I...
  14. tomini

    Tutorial Change Mi Band 4 Theme!

    I managed to do this, but it shows "Unable to sync, try again" in MiFit app. Please help. Same as last one, I edited this version: «Fallout PipBoy» by Mascone - Mi Band 4 | Amazfit WatchFaces catalog So do I need to change something in the string? :-( I just changed pictures for the same...
  15. tomini

    Tutorial Change Mi Band 4 Theme!

    What have I done wrong? No steps on the bottom etc... I downloaded this: «Fallout PipBoy» by Mascone - Mi Band 4 | Amazfit WatchFaces catalog And then docompiled and changed only "MON, TUE, WED, etc..." for my foreign language "Po, Út, St, etc..." but it doesn't show steps or any other...
  16. tomini

    Tutorial How to modify Resources file

    I've decompiled it and I have technicaly a copy of the compiled .bin... ...I just need to replace pictures with names of days of the week with my forein names from my country. How? Will "Paint" in Windows 10 do the trick do I need GiMP / Photoshop? I think MS Paint doesn't support transparent...
  17. tomini

    Tutorial How to modify Resources file

    Yes, animated picture. I found this meme WatchFace: «Ricardo Milos» by vovanoff60 - Mi Band 4 | Amazfit WatchFaces catalog And I want to make it longer/full length. And mainly I want to change language of all my favorite WatchFaces. I've seen PipBoy one, but instead of "MON, WED, SUN..." I want...
  18. tomini

    Tutorial How to modify Resources file

    Thanks a lot <3 Hopefully it has .GIF option.
  19. tomini

    RES Czech Resources Official supported MB4

    Well, o tom bohužel něco vím, když to musí rodinný příslušník řešit :-/ Ale já osobně se modlím pro češ ty zkažené duše už spásu já nenajdu :D
  20. tomini

    Tutorial How to modify Resources file

    Where I would find that? :-)