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  1. C

    Translation Project Firmware Translation

    I've made a vietnamese firmware. Could you add it to this thread?
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    FW Mod Thai Firmware

    I've made a VietNamese firm base on the Thai firm. It work fine but only one text "Battery", I didn't know what was the address of this text in Thai's text? Could you help me?
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    FW Mod Thai Firmware

    Hi @Kirill please make an English firmware with other language!
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    FW Mod Thai Firmware

    @Kirill Thank you so much.
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    FW Mod Thai Firmware

    Because We are Vietnamese, and we can not use Thai language in the Miband 3 menu, but we can use english instead while we are waiting for vietnamese menu. Please help us force this firm to english.
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    FW Mod Thai Firmware

    @Kirill No, I mean that, Thai firmware shows vietnamese characters perfectly. Like this picture:
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    FW Mod Thai Firmware

    Hi, @Kirill I use this firm on my Miband 3. All notifications are displayed correctly with our special characters. But menu are forced to Thai language. Please change it forced to English then Vietnamese can use this firm to read notifications. Thanks!
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    APP Beta Mi Fit

    I can help to translate vietnamese menu and other texts.
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    APP Beta Mi Fit

    I think "Mili_wuhan.ft.kj" support kanji characters but we are vietnamese need to mod the main font (Mili_wuhan.ft) to include vietnamese characters.
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    Translation Project Firmware Translation

    Kirill, Does vietnamese need a custom font to be displayed on miband 3?