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    FW Mod Slovak Firmware |

    Pozri prvy prispevok tohto vlakna tam je všetka najnovšie, Res je subor ktory obsahuje obrazky a instaluje sa po FW.
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    FW Mod Slovak Firmware |

    musíš instalovat najnovší FW a RES, alebo možeš použiť upraveny MiFit z autoInštalaciou SK z prvého príspevku
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    Update: Added calendar - Images for calendar only CZ/SK now, for other languages must images edit manualy Resources image replace by set language, and for Chinese change Notify icon to image 133,
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    Because for second picture
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    Because you flash only FW must flash too Res
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    If show ?? Characters must instal oficiall font
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    FW Mod Slovak Firmware |

    Skus ho z MIfit odparovat a potom znova sparovat
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    You have Arabic only arabic strings translate to persian, for english is same only arabic strings is translate to english, but I dont know how show english in Right to Left
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    No if select English and default language Arabic then will be Arabic replace English and is same as translate Persian to English
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    Official font from Czech thread, must unzip
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    FW Mod Slovak Firmware |

    mas tam tri obrazovky a ta stredna obsahuje baterku na tych obrazkoch ju nevidis ale ked tuknes na tu strednu tak na hlavnej obrazovke bude
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    FW Mod Slovak Firmware |

    Na Mi Band 3 - Viac - Zobrazenie - a vyber to stredne tam je baterka na hlavnej obrazovke
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    Problem is on your phone or MiBand, try flash official font, for me and @morteza1131 work and show characters normal
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    Then should by work another separate
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    I see changed separator in HEX view, but maybe Italian language use on show date another way In official is for Italan separator . or /?
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    For Persian, now should be work translations from Arabic for days in weather, battery and clear fixed. Can test another way to set default language - Normal select: Translate? - Persian, Set default language? - Arabic, Set Mi Band to Global? - Set default language another way? For try set in N&F...
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    And tomorrow we can test another way to set default language and maybe don't need in N&F set Arabic
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    Good job and I must fix translations for days in weather and baterry yet, if you next bug write here
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    FW Mod Slovak Firmware |

    Cez MiFit nenainštaluješ nič, cez N&F alebo Gadgebridge ale potom odporúčam MI Fit bez Auto inštalácie z prvého príspevku lebo by nesedeli verzie a by ti ho vždy aktualizovalo spať na