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    FW Mod Czech Firmware / | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    pozri poslednych par stran riesenie najdes
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    FW Mod Czech Firmware / | Mi Band 3 & Mi Band 3 NFC

    Musis nainstalovat aj spravne res k FW su v Spoileri Changelog a pre Mifit 4.0.0 musis pouzit FW
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing 3D Paint in Windows 10 and use Pixel pen
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    This is for Arabic
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    Of course must use FW with Set Global version and add Calendar
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    But for chine and Arabic is last images another becouse 477 and 478 are mondays
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    Yes calendar are only 6 pictures, if some body make lunar you can replace gregorian
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    FW Mod Slovak Firmware |

    Ja len nainstalujem update appky, progress máš v cloude navždy, len na naramku niekedy idu od nula ako v nový deň
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    For Persian look here
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    Yes is write on first page testing on Polish language, i will add to for all options late
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    FW Mod Slovak Firmware |

    Nie na modovanej to nejde ja som to skusal uz asi od 3.5.4
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    Update: fix Set to global version for FW update PL string Press & Hold for enter
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    FW Mod Slovak Firmware |

    Tak nove verzie uploadnute na prvej strane, bol som zaneprazdneny skolou tak preto tak neskor
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    FW Mod Slovak Firmware |

    Uploaduje sa na onedrive len unás na dedine mam upload 0.7 MB/s tak asi za pol hodinu
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    FW Mod Slovak Firmware |

    MiFit 3.6.0 (History) Only with resources v46 Modified FW_MB3_2_3_0_6_SK_Mod_v2.fw (last ver. - 27.2.2019 23:30) Modified FW Calendar [/SIZE] [/SPOILER] Only with resources v46 Modified Calendar FW_MB3_2_3_0_6_SK_Mod_v3_Calendar.fw (last ver. - 15.3.2019 23:00)...
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    Accept Cookies? For me work can you write steps and FW?
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    For upload FW must Accept. And find problems with Chrome browser, in Edge works fine I must idetentify this problem and fix him
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    Separarator work, maybe is problem with your combinations language, on only no work Set to Global version, and I must update default language strings, other work
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    Tutorial MB3Editor - Translations Alpha Testing

    On first page will when i test all mods and will work on new FW