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    FW Mod Turkish Firmware

    I think the problem with this issue will be solved in the next update. The question mark icon appears in the weather report notification area. Kirill next update will also solve the problem.
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    FW Mod Turkish Firmware

    my purpose was not to create a controversial environment. I just offered a suggestion. And I have not changed any translations. How do I get better if there are no suggestions and notifications?
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    FW Mod Turkish Firmware

    "battery" is no longer used today. the battery information that is currently used in all electronic devices is usually indicated as "pil", " pil durumu" in Turkish.
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    FW Mod Turkish Firmware

    Thank you for your interest. The firmware works fine. battery --- " Pil " you can make corrections.
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    FW Mod Turkish Firmware

    I have installed but some characters have problems. " ç , ş ... " I will check ... and write in detail. Thank you again. Weather notification english.
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    FW Mod Turkish Firmware

    Tanks for share :) good work :)
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    Question how can I help to make new language firmware?

    Hi, I know many people are expecting. it is possible for you to give a date for the completion of the turkish translation.?
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    Question Turkish Firmware

    When will it be translated into Turkish?