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    FW Stable Firmware Stable

    Turkish language include .?
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    APP Mod Hey+ App

    Wristband updated with the latest version Chinese application. How to install with the latest version with modified application. already give the current version warning and does not go into update mode.?
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    APP Mod Hey+ App

    hello, I have hey + wristband in my friend. using iphone phone. hey + the code in the user manual okutup and downloaded the application. Then the app took the update and the wristband was Chinese. :( What can we do?
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    APP Mod Hey+ App

    hey + software is closed to evolve. does not write the waking time in the sleep track section. As opposed to mi band 3, the software is far behind.
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    Modified Mi Fit 3.5.9 - English, Turkish, Portuguese and others...

    mifit latest version also have an error. When the call comes in, it's almost 2 seconds delay. 2 seconds after the caller's name comes out. there was no such error in the previous mifit version. but the call reject section works. but muting is not working.
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    FW Mod Firmware | "STOCK" (CN, ZH, EN, ES, RU, KO, FR, DE, ID, PL, IT, JA, TH, AR, VI, PT, NL, TR, UK)

    I have this problem in the latest version I'm already using modif mifit. I use the phone oneplus 6t.
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    FW Mod Firmware | "STOCK" (CN, ZH, EN, ES, RU, KO, FR, DE, ID, PL, IT, JA, TH, AR, VI, PT, NL, TR, UK)

    mi fit works in the latest version, but the caller name comes on too late. the previous versions do not have such a problem, but the previous version does not work, refusing to call and mute.
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    FW Mod Firmware | "STOCK" (CN, ZH, EN, ES, RU, KO, FR, DE, ID, PL, IT, JA, TH, AR, VI, PT, NL, TR, UK)

    I have two questions, what do I need to do to support emoji.? Reject number of caller does not work. Is there a solution?
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    FW Mod Firmware | "STOCK" (CN, ZH, EN, ES, RU, KO, FR, DE, ID, PL, IT, JA, TH, AR, VI, PT, NL, TR, UK)

    hello, in the translation turkish of the weather, you can correct the word "mevcut" as "bugün".
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    FW Mod Firmware | Bold Font (EN, CZ, SK, PL, HU, TR)

    hello, in the translation of the weather, you can correct the word "mevcut" as "bugün".
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    FW Mod Firmware | Bold Font (EN, CZ, SK, PL, HU, TR)

    gadgetbridge or notify and fitness.? Which one should I install with? I tried to notify and fitness with software installation did not start.
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    FW Mod Firmware | Bold Font (EN, CZ, SK, PL, HU, TR)

    Are you thinking of adding a Turkish language.?
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    RES MBUI Global 20 - Ultimate&Youth version

    how to use mi band 3.?
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    News Newest Xiaomi Huami Amazfit Cor 2

    support multiple languages. I want to buy. do you provide Turkish language support . ?
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    FW Mod Firmware | Spanish, Turkish, Thai...

    Excellent work Magical Unicorn. in the Turkish version of the weather in the upper part of the "mevcut" writes. the right one should be "bugün"
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    Question Clean screen miband 3 from scratches

    At swatch authorized sales points, you can clean the glass of swatch watches free of charge. maybe if you ask, can you clean the band3 glass there?
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    APP Mod Hey+ App

    just hey + is the application in english? doesn't the clock language change?