There's a lot of work in their Developer's side to be as equal to miband 3
Weather for any city
Sync with MiApp would be great
Compatibility with Google Pay etc
Native language
I hope every update will be in this way
With that in mind, independant dev will start to propose their view on PlayStore
I hope GadgetBridge will replace the flash app ..
Or maybe there is a way to keep both app installed ? Flash and Normal
Thanks again for this awesome work, it looks great !
Compability with Google Play, there isn't with Mi Band 3, and it will never have ^^.
You already can sync with Mi Home App.
Nativage language, I think it will never have, maybe English in futur, but no more.
With my Modified Hey Plus Applications, you can switch between the different Applications from same version without uninstall, and you can upgrade to newer version without uninstall too. So you never have to uninstall
