That's where I bought mine. I've had several email exchanges with them too, but no solution delivered yet. I would not mind waiting if I had some guarantee that it WOULD be fixed. I think it will - but I can't say for sure.
I've seen some sites offering to do the registration for the buyer. Bangood recently modified their posting for this product and said they too would do that - but when I requested it, they again said "
We are now checking this question with our colleagues from the sales department and we are now waiting for their reply. We will contact you once we hear anything. We hope for your understanding on this matter."
Of course, they've removed the International version (which I - and I assume you also -purchased). So I wonder if they'll actually help you register the International version - or just the Chinese one. I don't see why it would be any difference to them.
I'll post on here if and when I get a solution.