Separarator work, maybe is problem with your combinations language, on only no work Set to Global version, and I must update default language strings, other work
FW, "Select default language for editing" is set to Russian, "Change date separator?" is set to "DD/MM", "Set default date format to DD/MM? (Not show MM/DD format)" also checked. Other checkboxes are left intact.
At the device, date separator is a dot (DD.MM). What am I doing wrong?
Also tried to check "Set default language?", nothing changed except some bytes in the fw file, separator still shows as a dot.
As a clue: maybe there are multiple places with
day/month order that are needed to patch in fw file, but you are patching only that one that corresponds to your default language?
The same thing was at previous FW version, I have about an hour of dancing with all that checkboxes without any success. I've already seen complains about separator in this thread, but found no solution